Hair on Earth: Beauty Beyond Tradition

If there is one thing that Hair on Earth would tell you in this very moment, it might just be their tagline: Stay Cute. Hair On Earth is a local hair salon that empowers you to be exactly who you are, inside and out. We explored what makes them go beyond a typical salon to make their customer experience impactful and give people so much more than meets the eye.

This year, Hair on Earth celebrates 20 years of business, but it wasn’t always what it is today. The locally owned hair salon experienced a fundamental shift that forever changed the atmosphere into one of self-empowerment for stylists and customers alike. Their entrepreneurial story is not a traditional one, mainly because the current owners did not start the business. Hair on Earth’s CEOs, Will and Holly Galotti, took the reins just 10 years ago.

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Will Galotti started out at Hair on Earth as a stylist under its original management. After working there for several years, he began to notice a decline in the atmosphere affecting both the work environment and clientele. Rather than standing by and watching the business fail, he began working with his boss on revamping traditional methods and implementing new systems to improve the company. At that point, it did not take long for Will to become a partner and, in 2008, CEO, along with his wife Holly. With their fresh ideas and leadership, Hair On Earth became an eclectic space for hair stylists to grow as artists and customers to explore themselves in a salon where no haircut nor color is too out of the park.


When the Galottis took over, the business model and work environment were restructured to include effective restocking systems, better work-home balance for employees, and active support for each individual as an artist.

“Greatness doesn’t happen by accident, it happens with intention. His approach to the staff is unlike any salon owner I have ever encountered. And that is largely what has led to the growth of our artists,” longtime employee Britney White told us. “He finds ways to work in opportunities for the stylists to do more than just see guests all day every day. Last year he started funding two Look Book Photoshoots a year for stylists to really express themselves and try new trends.”

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The creativity that now flows through Hair on Earth has formed an exciting, inspiring, and tight-knit team that continues to encourage each other’s ideas and creations. This culture shift produces an authentic atmosphere unique to the hair salon. They pridefully reject the toxic standards of attractiveness set by the beauty industry. Instead, Hair on Earth embraces everyone's individuality, believing they are already attractive. And that’s why when you walk into Hair on Earth the only thing that matters is that you “Stay cute”.

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